Volunteer Policies

At Shelter KC, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for our guests, staff, and volunteers. To help us maintain this standard, we ask all volunteers to follow these important policies:

1. Attendance & Commitment

  • Scheduling: Please commit to the schedule you've agreed upon. If you're unable to attend your scheduled shift, notify us as soon as possible so we can adjust accordingly.
  • Punctuality: Arriving on time for your shift is essential to ensure smooth operations and effective service for our guests.

2. Code of Conduct

  • Respect: We expect all volunteers to treat our guests, staff, and fellow volunteers with kindness, respect, and dignity. Avoid judgmental language or behavior, as many of our guests are navigating difficult life circumstances. If you have a conflict with a guest or need intervention, locate your supervisor or a Shelter KC staff member immediately. If a guest approaches you with a complaint or request, refer them to a Shelter KC staff member.
  • Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of our guests. Information about those we serve should not be shared outside Shelter KC under any circumstances.
  • Boundaries: Maintain appropriate boundaries with guests, including physically and emotionally. Displays of affection and concern can be misinterpreted. Private conversation and prayer must include a third party.
    • Do not:
      • give out any personal information, ie: your last name, address, phone number, etc.
      • touch, flirt with, date, or enter into a romantic relationship with a guest.
      • lend money, your car, or personal items to guests.
      • purchase merchandise or services from guests.
      • hold or maintain personal property for guests.

3. Safety & Security

  • Health: If you are feeling unwell, please refrain from volunteering to protect the health of our guests and staff. Follow all safety guidelines while on-site, including proper hygiene and use of protective equipment when necessary.
  • Accidents: Volunteers injured or involved in an accident while on our property must report to his or her staff supervisor immediately. An accident report must be filled out at the time of the incident by the volunteer and/or an observer.
  • Cell Phones and Cameras: Photographing or filming clients on Shelter KC property is prohibited. If you believe you have a legitimate reason for filming or photographing clients, you must contact the development department for permission and to obtain our release forms. Release forms must be signed by guests who are filmed or photographed and turned into the development department within 24 hours. Filming or photographing clients is a violation of their privacy and may result in the volunteer’s termination.
  • Group leaders should require that volunteers under 18 leave cell phones and cameras in the group’s vehicle. Youth seen using cell phones or cameras on Shelter KC property may be asked to leave the group activity and remain in the facility’s lobby until the group’s service has been completed.
  • Parking: Volunteers may park in designated lots or along the streets surrounding our facilities. Use entrances designated for visitors to enter buildings. Leave valuable personal items at home or secured in your car’s trunk. Purses and coats may be stored in designated areas. Shelter KC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

4. Dress Code

Volunteers should dress modestly and comfortably. Closed-toe shoes are required for safety reasons. Please avoid wearing items that may be distracting such as clothing that is too tight, revealing, offensive logos or language.

5. Volunteer Age Restrictions

  • Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a responsible guardian from the volunteer group at all times.
  • Volunteers between the ages of 12 and 18 must be accompanied by one adult for every six youth.
  • Volunteers under 16 must not operate gas-powered or electrical equipment.

6. Zero Tolerance

  • Drugs & Alcohol: It is the policy of Shelter KC to maintain an alcohol and drug-free environment. Possession, use, purchase, consumption, transfer, or sale of alcohol and other controlled substances on Shelter KC property, while providing a volunteer service for Shelter KC or representing Shelter KC is prohibited. Reporting for duty under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances will result in dismissal from the volunteer program.
  • Dignity of the Individual: Shelter KC is committed to maintaining an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity and are free from discrimination, harassment, threatening language, offensive behavior or violence. Actions of this nature will not be tolerated.
    • Harassment includes but is not limited to things such as unwanted sexual advances, epithets, slurs or negative stereotyping, denigrating jokes, leering, whistling or touching, etc. If you believe you are being harassed, report the incident to a Shelter KC staff member immediately.
    • Instances of threats or violence must be reported to a Shelter KC staff member immediately.
  • Theft: Shelter KC encourages volunteers to leave all valuable possessions either at home, locked in their car or in secure designated areas at Shelter KC. We are not responsible for stolen property and cannot be held responsible to secure your items. If you lose a personal item while serving at Shelter KC, please seek assistance from a Shelter KC staff member or report any actions of theft immediately.
  • Weapons: Possession or use of weapons such as knives or firearms on Shelter KC property is strictly prohibited. This is to promote a safe environment for clients, staff, and volunteers alike. If you carry a concealed weapon, we ask that you refrain from bringing the weapon on Shelter KC property.

Shelter KC reserves the right to terminate volunteer service for any behavior or action that violates these policies or undermines the mission and values of our organization.

Agreement to Policies

If you agree to these policies and are ready to volunteer, please sign our required forms:


Policies & Code of Conduct

We look forward to having you join us in making a meaningful difference at Shelter KC!