Just about a year ago, Mike got laid off from his job and ended up turning back to the drugs and alcohol he had begun to use as a teen. His addiction stemmed from extreme trauma he experienced when he was 15.

“I used drugs and alcohol to run from it. I just carried it through my whole life.”

After his relapse, he found out about Shelter KC by looking for help online.

“I didn’t have anywhere to go,” he remembers. “I prayed for signs from God, and he showed me that I should be going into this program.”

Mike entered our C-Cor program, a long-term recovery program designed to lead men toward a committed and sober life in Jesus Christ. Here, men like Mike have a supportive community that offers, pastoral counseling, work therapy, recovery groups, and the education and knowledge that will lead them to a healthy and sustainable life.

“It’s given me time to clear the fog out of my brain. The way that the program is structured is really good for a nine-month program.”

Before he came to Shelter KC, Mike’s life-long faith had “diminished.”

“My belief system wasn’t there to rely on, so I turned to drugs again. Since I’ve been here, I’ve gotten my faith back. I’ve gotten my cornerstone back. I’m back into the Word. I feel like I have something solid to rely on if something significant were to come up and catch me off guard.”

“Coming to Shelter KC and finding the C-Cor program was a calling from God. He knew what I

Along with his reawakened faith, Mike also has a vision for his future.

“When I had a job doing medical logistics, I was sending out surgical packs, and it made me feel good to wake up every day knowing that I had to get these packs out for people’s surgeries to help save their lives.”

“I want to do something in the medical world to help people. I’m going to pursue becoming a flight assistant for med-evac for Children’s Mercy and other hospitals. If that’s not possible, I want to do transport for the hospitals, taking people to their rooms and taking them from hospital to hospital.”

Thank you so much for making a difference in Mike’s life through your generous partnership!

Donate to help us provide love and care to people like Mike!