Shelter KC: A Kansas City Rescue Mission




1991 to 2001






Dr. Aycock became superintendent of the Kansas City District Church...

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Like Dr. Aycock, God redeemed Joe Colaizzi from a life...

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In the early 1990’s, renovations to the new location-enabled KCRM...

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1991 to 2001

​​The City of Kansas City purchased the Mission’s property on...

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In 2010, three studies identified gaps in services for those...

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In 2013, determined to stand in that gap, the Mission...

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In 2019, the board of directors voted to change Kansas...

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In 2020, Eric Burger was named as the Executive Director...

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Dr. Aycock became superintendent of the Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene and eight years later, founded Kansas City Rescue Mission (KCRM). Establishing KCRM wasn’t easy—in fact, the Mission moved three times in its first five years before purchasing a three-story building at 523 Walnut Street which became its home for almost three decades.

Jarrette Aycock, founded the Mission in 1950. He was a man who knew the heartache and shame of alcoholism and homelessness. After many years of drinking and drifting, Aycock’s life was transformed when he accepted Christ as his Savior at Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles. “As I sat in chapel looking at the derelicts, drunks, and dope addicts around me, I got to thinking that I had been like them before and would be like them again if I didn’t get free of the old habits and ceaseless downward pull that had plagued my life for years,” he later wrote.


Like Dr. Aycock, God redeemed Joe Colaizzi from a life of hopelessness and fear, then nurtured and equipped him to become executive director of KCRM in 1985.


In the early 1990’s, renovations to the new location-enabled KCRM to start the Christian Discipleship Program. Renamed the Christian Community of Recovery, the program continues today. Its goal is “to help individuals receive from God a Christian life within a healthy community for a lifetime of recovery.”

1991 to 2001

​​The City of Kansas City purchased the Mission’s property on Walnut in 1991.

From 1991 to 2001, hundreds of individuals, churches, businesses and private foundations contributed expertise, labor and materials to complete renovations to the sprawling four-building complex.


In 2010, three studies identified gaps in services for those who were homeless in Kansas City. By August 2010, KCRM confirmed that single homeless women, many with co-occurring challenges like addiction and mental health issues were the most underserved population.


In 2013, determined to stand in that gap, the Mission established the Women’s Center, a 20 bed residential facility offering homeless women a secure environment where they can heal, learn, and grow. When women enter our doors, they experience what it feels like to be treated with dignity for perhaps the first time, and the encouragement to embrace the full, vibrant life God intended for them.

On July 15, 2013, the Women's Center opened its doors and welcomed its first clients.


In 2019, the board of directors voted to change Kansas City Rescue Mission’s name to Shelter KC to distinguish itself and reflect the “new things” God was doing as the Mission neared its 70th anniversary.


In 2020, Eric Burger was named as the Executive Director to succeed Joe Colaizzi following his retirement after 35 years of service to the Mission. Eric Burger joined Shelter KC after working with rescue missions all over the United States for more than 40 years. When asked why he chose rescue mission work he said "I love seeing transformation of hurting men and women as they discover a new life with Jesus."

At both Shelter KC's Men's Center and the Women's Center, our guests receive financial, legal, and spiritual support, healthcare, career guidance, addiction recovery resources, educational opportunities, and housing guidance. Shelter KC's staff works with each person to create a personal life transformation. And Christ is at the center of that transformation. Whether there for a night or a year, all are encouraged to "make good plans for the future and pursue the Lord daily."

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Funded by individuals with a passion to serve the community.



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Masked Volunteer in Shelter Kc Kitchen ladles soup

We have a place for you! Help us serve Kansas City's homeless.

Stack of Scott's toilet paper

Investments in our ministries play a vital role in helping those in need.

Stoic man eats soup and looks directly forward
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